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Thread: Soccer Picks Alerts

  1. #1

    Soccer Picks Alerts

    Been getting quite a few of these in my mailbox since trying the Platinum Member benefits, and thought I'd give some feedback.

    It might be more helpful if the email contained the actual pick rather than just the match, as a lot of people browse their email on their mobile phone and so it would more convenient than going online to a web page that isn't formatted for mobiles.

    Another thing is, there are rather a lot of the emails, sometimes several sent at the same time. Perhaps it would be better to put together picks released simultaneously in one email? Personally I'm not the type who gets worked up about one's mailbox filling up with similar automatic messages, but I know from my experience running a community a lot of people do.

    The quantity and value of the picks themselves may be an issue, with most of the selections being odds-on and sometimes short-odds favourites. It might be preferable if the picks were filtered for value, considering the win ratio is only a little over 50%?

    Finally, I may have missed it but there doesn't seem to be a link to the picks section in the main tabs header found around the site. I would expect to see it in the drop-down list under Soccer Tips. This could allow the option to turn off the emails by just letting the user check the page easily instead, or perhaps have an on-site notification.

  2. #2
    Hi liam2wap,

    We do not want to include the soccer pick in the email because it may lead to abuse whereby the email address may be an automatically forwarder to a group of users.

    We appreciate your feedback and we are always on the lookout to improve our services. Thank you.

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